Fruits and vegetables in season by month: May

Strawberries are rich with vitamin C (even more than oranges), contain vitamin B, E, and K and several mineral salts, including iron, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They have remineralising, bactericidal, antiviral, tonifying and freshening properties; help liver and nervous system to keep their balance and strengthen the immune system. What’s important, though, is

Strawberries are rich with vitamin C (even more than oranges), contain vitamin B, E, and K and several mineral salts, including iron, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They have remineralising, bactericidal, antiviral, tonifying and freshening properties; help liver and nervous system to keep their balance and strengthen the immune system. What’s important, though, is paying attention to how to eat them. They should be fresh and well-ripened (it’s better to eat them in the fasted state), when they are bright red and compact, better if raw, with no added sugar or whipped cream, so that antioxidant are more effective.

Fruit and vegetables in season in May

Peas are in season in May


Asparagus, opposite-leaved saltwort, starflower, broccoli, artichoke, carrot, chicory and chicory bunches, Welsh onion, chard garden cress, chive, aromatic herbs, green beans, broad bean, fennel, wild fennel, endive, lettuce, hop, nettle, corn salad, potatoes, peas, parsley, rhubarb, red chicory, turnip, radish, rocket salad, celery, spinach, dandelion.

cherries may
Cherries are in season in May


Cherry, strawberry, Japanese plum, pear.

Opposite leaved saltwort

This plant has thin, flat and fleshy thread-like and leaves that remind chives, forming a bright green thick head, whose bottom is reddish. The opposite-leaves saltwort is a rural plant, which also grows easily on poor soils and is resistant to parasites and diseases, thus being naturally fitted to cultivation without constraints. Thanks to its pleasant slightly sour flavour, the plant proves to be a tasty and more versatile than expected ingredient. Just take away the root and the little stem at the bottom of the leaves, steam it a little and use fine extra virgin oil as seasoning to serve a tasty, healthy, mineralising, delicious and light dish, rich in vitamins A and C.


Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, E, C, B2, and B3, calcium, phosphorous, iron and proteins. It has diuretic, laxative and antianaemic properties. It also helps invigorate the nervous system and is a valuable ally in fighting cancer.

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