Death penalty. Global executions fell 37% in 2016, says Amnesty
Il rapporto annuale di Anmesty International sulla pena di morte indica dati positivi. Ma in Cina le stime ufficiali non sono giudicate affidabili.
Il rapporto annuale di Anmesty International sulla pena di morte indica dati positivi. Ma in Cina le stime ufficiali non sono giudicate affidabili.
Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines since May 2016, recently made the headlines for having called Obama a “son of a whore” during a press conference at the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Laos. The remark, which led to the cancellation of a bilateral meeting between the two presidents, has drawn international attention to
Protests against the government were held throughout Ethiopia to call for political reforms. The police shot at the crowd resulting in a massacre.
Un giudice della Corte Suprema si è schierato apertamente contro la pena di morte. Altri quattro potrebbero seguirlo. Intanto calano le esecuzioni.
After more than 5 years from the environmental disaster of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, on 20 April 2010, Gulf of Mexico, the British Petroleum (BP) agreed to pay a penalty of 18.7 billion dollars in order to end once for all the legal action the United States and other federal states took after the worst
Nebraska, American conservative state governed by Republicans, abolished the death penalty. The decision to retire executioners for good was made thanks to the vote of the Parliament that overrode a veto by Governor Pete Ricketts, who was in favour of capital executions. The veto has been overridden thanks to 30 votes out of
Death penalty remains an exception on Earth. This hopeful sentence describes well what was said in the Amnesty International’s new report on the death sentences executed in 2014. The official number (607) has dropped by 22 percent with respect to 2013 while the number of the countries that carried out at least an execution is the