Beyond the bargain. What is fair trade fashion

Beyond the bargain. What is fair trade fashion

Fair trade labels and certification There is no universal fair trade certification. One of the most widely known fair trade labels is the Fairtrade Foundation’s Fairtrade Mark, which certifies products such as bananas. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO’s) label, instead, identifies organisations rather than goods. While these two verifying bodies are internationally recognised, there are

Armani goes fur-free

Armani goes fur-free

The Armani Group decided to eliminate animal fur from its collections. According to the Fur Free Alliance it’s a “historic day” for the fashion industry.

Moroccan women hand-weave the magic carpet of sustainable development

Moroccan women hand-weave the magic carpet of sustainable development

The NGO Arte Fatto Onlus was founded in Milan in 2008 to encourage sustainable development through art, design and craftsmanship. It supports crafts men and women around the world to meet the demand for ethical fashion with the objective of improving their life conditions by offering training on design and business skills. The project “L’Oasi