Eugene Simonov, the Russian activist fighting to defend free-flowing rivers
Water defender Eugene Simonov’s mission is to protect rivers and their biodiversity along the borders of Russia, China and Mongolia.
Water defender Eugene Simonov’s mission is to protect rivers and their biodiversity along the borders of Russia, China and Mongolia.
Toxic substances in Kamchatka’s waters have killed 95% of marine fauna and caused health problems for surfers. The causes, however, are still unknown.
A new national park has been established in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. It extends for 122,000 hectares, is home to rocky islands covered by lush forests and is one of the old continent’s largest.
Due deflagrazioni sono state registrate nella metropolitana di San Pietroburgo. Le prime informazioni parlano di almeno 10 morti e 20 feriti.
Tre esplosioni hanno causato il crollo della miniera russa di Severnaia. L’incidente si aggiunge al vasto elenco di catastrofi minerarie russe, provocate da vecchie strutture e da controlli inadeguati. Following the news from the Unites States, where the Supreme Court has legalised same-sex marriage in all states, some young men of the group Cheburussia TV realised a video to show what could happen to 2 people of the same sex walking hand in hand in the streets of Russia’s capital, Moscow. In less
Secondo l’ultimo censimento effettuato in Russia la popolazione di tigre dell’Amur, il felino più grande del mondo, è in aumento.
The Russian government submitted to the Parliament a bill to prohibit the cultivation and rearing of genetically modified plants and animals within the Russian Federation territory, with the exception of scientific research purposes. The new legislation envisages the possibility of the government to prohibit foreign imports of genetically modified products, after having tested the effects