100,000 mink will be culled in Spain after testing positive for coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Netherlands abandons mink farming completely.
L’obiettivo della giornata è ricordare che libertà e giustizia sono valori fondamentali per ogni singolo individuo, a prescindere da razza, genere o specie.
Eaten, worn, exploited for scientific experimentation and for our entertainment. The number of animals killed every day by man is incalculable (150 billion animals are killed each year worldwide for food purposes alone).
Talking about animal rights when our society doesn’t even recognise human rights can seem bizarre, yet one thing does not exclude the other. As the French writer Marguerite Yourcenar once said: “Let us be subversive: let us revolt against ignorance, indifference, cruelty – which in any case don’t act quite so often against man only because they lay their hands on animals”.
Coinciding with the Human Rights Day, on 10 December the International Animal Rights Day is celebrated in order to extend these inalienable rights to all living creatures populating our planet, even if they belong to species different from ours. The celebration has been established in 1998 by the animal rights association Uncaget Campaigns to highlight the violence carried out against animals, which “can’t vote, protest or lobby MPs for protection”.
Uncaget Campaigns has drawn up a Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, according to which all creatures have the right to life and freedom. The campaign’s objective is convincing people that all creatures deserve kindness and respect.
In occasion of the international day, demonstrations, events and projections are organised worldwide, in order to show the reality of animal exploitation and sufferance, usually disguised by traditional media.
The organisation Animal Equality will coordinate a demonstration to commemorate any animal victim that has been forgotten, on 19 December in Rome.
Demonstrations are characterised by the presence of candles, torches, and lamps. The symbol of the international day is indeed the light, to represent the need of “shedding light” on tortures carried out against billions of animals all over the world.
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100,000 mink will be culled in Spain after testing positive for coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Netherlands abandons mink farming completely.
The dog meat festival in Yulin – where ten thousand cats and dogs are butchered – is taking place this year, notwithstanding the coronavirus pandemic.
Joaquin Phoenix, who won Best Actor at the 2020 Oscars, reminded us that we need to overcome our egocentric view of the world, and rather choose love and compassion towards others and the natural world.
Let’s look at the reasons behind the growth of veganism in India, as a small yet vocal section of the population turns towards this diet and lifestyle in the largest milk producing country in the world.
Refusing the anthropocentric vision and respecting the laws of ecology is the only way to safeguard the future of our and all other species, Sea Shepherd President Paul Watson argues in this op-ed.
The 2019 edition of International Mountain Day is “Mountains matter for youth”, highlighting the need to bring young people back to highland areas to take care of their cultural and natural resources.
Thanks to an undercover investigation, two organisations documented multiple violations of animal welfare laws at a laboratory in Hamburg.
Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della tolleranza, proclamata dalle Nazioni Unite per ricordare i principi ispiratori della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’ uomo.
Saving soil, water, greenhouse gases and animal lives without giving up the taste of meat. This is Beyond Meat’s gamble. We spoke to chairman Seth Goldman about why the switch to plant based meat alternatives is paying off.