Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio


Lawyer, journalist, MP since 1992, Minister of Agriculture in 2000/2001 and of the Environment in 2006-2008. From 2001 to 2008, Alfonso was elected president of the Greens Federation (Federazione dei Verdi) three times. Since 2008, he has been President of the Univerde Foundation. He teaches at Bicocca University, in Milan and Tor Vergata University, in Rome.

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Pope Francis’ encyclical is a renewable challenge to a static politics

Pope Francis’ encyclical is a renewable challenge to a static politics

This encyclical is a praise to Mother Nature. Laudato Si’ recalls the text most loved by environmentalists, animalists and all those who believe in an ecumenical Christianity. The defence of renewable sources, animal dignity, GM-free agriculture, and the condemnation of injustices and dominant powers characterising a technocracy that overlooks needs, consensus and the future represent a real