Camilla Soldati

Digital Editor

I’ve always been fascinated by the world of languages because, to me, it means bringing people together. It also offers the precious opportunity of learning new things every day, whilst discovering new cultures and exploring things from new perspectives.

I like travelling, meeting new people, and exchanging ideas. I love strolling with my four-legged friend, the “waldeinsamkeit”, and eating well in good company. I love mountain air, the breath after hiking, the sound of the snow under my skis, and the sound of silence underwater.


Favourite quote: “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?”. (David Attemborough)

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California, photos of the burning sky as wildfires keep raging

California, photos of the burning sky as wildfires keep raging

On the morning of the 9th of September the cities of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley in California woke up to an apocalyptic scene. An orange sky, and a thick haze of smoke and ashes from the wildfires that have been destroying millions of hectares hundreds of kilometres away across the West Coast of the