Europe permanently bans trade in seal products
After a long controversy, the EU ban on seal products trade has been strengthened.
Camilla Soldati
Digital Editor
After a long controversy, the EU ban on seal products trade has been strengthened.
By 2018, the Dutch railway system will entirely run on the energy produced by wind turbines. Thousands of Megawatts and renewable energy.
Greenpeace is asking for the elimination of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), lab-made chemical substances widely used in the production of sports and outdoor apparel such as jackets, trousers,and shoes, in order to make them waterproof. The request by the environmental organisation derives from the persistent and hazardous traits of such substances. In June and July, volunteers and
In order to allow wildlife to safely move, man created “nature highways”. Here are the best.
The French company EDF announced that the costs of the new EPR reactor will reach 10.5 billion euros.
Illiteracy is a reality that still involves over 700 million adults all over the world.
An Australian start-up aims to produce it by 2016. Thanks to solar panels and batteries, Immortus doesn’t need to be recharged.
Tarwi is a legume that has been rediscovered. Thanks to a cooperation project, it will improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the remote Peruvian province of Huaylas.
The Planet’s trees drew particular attention on the occasion of the climate change conference held in Paris (COP21), which was aimed to reach a new binding deal against global warming. Trees, in fact, are our best allies in reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Particularly surprising news comes from a study led by Thomas Crowther at
The sculptures, by the British artist Jason deCaires Taylor, denounce the current alarming climate situation and the impact fossil fuel have on our planet.