USA: the first school serving entirely vegan meals thanks to James Cameron
In California c’è una scuola che insegna il rispetto per l’ambiente e serve agli studenti un menù vegano, è la Muse School di James e Suzy Cameron.
Camilla Soldati
Digital Editor
In California c’è una scuola che insegna il rispetto per l’ambiente e serve agli studenti un menù vegano, è la Muse School di James e Suzy Cameron.
The world’s first wave-energy plant connected to the electricity grid has been switched on in Western Australia. Here’s how it works and produces renewable energy.
Everybody can do it, every day. We can walk to work, looking at the places we live in with new perspective and curiosity. Alternatively, we can leave home to discover unknown places whilst walking along roads and paths. Walking is a way of travelling, maybe the most fascinating. It allows you to establish a
For the first time ever a video shows how Saharan dust is transported throughout the atmosphere and contributes to fertilising the Amazon and Caribbean.
Food waste is immoral, since 805 million people suffer from hunger globally, but it is also a loss for the global economy. Reducing food waste could save up to 300 billion dollars, according to a research by the international group Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. It is a noteworthy sum, especially in the
Reclutate nelle comunità locali le ragazze pattugliano l’area del Greater Kruger National Park per contrastare il bracconaggio.
Tapir is a funny animal, similar to a crossbreed between a wild boar and an ant eater, with the squat body of the former and the long nose of the latter. In Brazil, idiots are named “tapirs”. Yet, these large herbivores are extraordinary animals with a highly biological importance. Here are 10 facts that will make
Il motivo per cui siamo così attratti dai cuccioli è riconducibile alle loro caratteristiche fisiche e alle cure parentali della nostra specie.
Peruvian scientist shot a hummingbird sleeping, or better, snoring. Exactly like humans, these extraordinary birds produce sounds, such as snoring when they sleep heavy. The noise is even more annoying than that of humans. The video has been broadcasted by the TV programme Super Cute Animals of the British channel BBC One. Translated by Camilla
Lo sostiene una ricerca condotta dall’Us National Park Service secondo la quale il rumore cresce più velocemente della popolazione degli Stati Uniti.