Cecilia Bergamasco


Marine biologist, eternal lover of the sea and cetaceans. I have been writing and been involved in communication on the themes of energy and the environment for 15 years, with the objective of making the concept of “living sustainably and reducing environmental impact” accessible to all, especially my children. I am editor responsible for content published on Behind Energy. I am particularly interested in renewables and climate change. I also collect boats, shells, stones – anything interesting I find on beaches – and enjoy hiking in the mountains.


Favourite quote

“Being at sea isn’t a school, there are no teachers. There’s the sea and there’s you. The sea doesn’t teach, the sea does, in its own way.” (Erri de Luca)


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The world’s 7 most beautiful solar farms

The world’s 7 most beautiful solar farms

Solar farms are architectural and engineering masterpieces that aren’t only functional but can also be beautiful. They can thus become tourist attractions, creating jobs and boosting the clean energy economy, as well as satellite activities. Here are some of the boldest and most beautiful projects that combine the drive towards green energy with respect for the environment. Disney solar farm