7,000 railway stations in India will be powered by solar energy
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
Cecilia Bergamasco
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
In cinque anni lo stato di New York ha registrato una crescita record per il solare con 1,5 miliardi di dollari di investimenti privati e 8mila posti di lavoro
A fine febbraio in Danimarca l’eolico è arrivato a coprire tutta la domanda di energia, battendo un nuovo record.
Trump clears the way for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.
Emanuele Taibi, analyst at renewable energy agency Irena, explains why islands are well placed to push forward toward a more sustainable development model based on renewables and technological innovation
Paris, Athens, Madrid and Mexico City are the first megacities to ban diesel cars from their streets in order to reduce air pollution.
A team of American scientists found a new way to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol, a low-impact fuel.
Solar energy in Africa meets the annual electricity needs of off-grid households for as little as 56 dollars per year, thanks to cost reduction and technology improvements.
Addio al carbone e stop ai sussidi ai combustibili fossili per gli stati isola del Pacifico, ma l’Australia fa resistenza.
Shell raises the white flag and starts dismantling its oil platforms in the North Sea in 2017. A good piece of news that hides a sad environmental lagacy.