381 new species have been discovered in the Amazon. One every two days
Delfini, uccelli, mammiferi: sono 381 le nuove specie animali e vegetali scoperte in Amazzonia tra 2014 e 2015. La gallery
Chiara Boracchi
Digital Editor
I first joined LifeGate's editorial staff in 2006, after graduating in Archaelogy and completing a Master's in Environmental Communication. Since then I have had excellent teachers, found wonderful friends and written about ecology and environmental safeguard, which is what I am really interested in.
I take notes by hand and have a lot of notebooks and post-it notes to write down dreams and ideas. I buy organic vegetables and detergents on tap and am a source of concern for my friends and relatives, as I try to convince them to do the same every time they come shopping with me. I love herbalist shops' scent, silence in museums, I practise Aikido and read all kinds of things.
I write about eco-friendly lifestyles, natural health and events.
Favourite quote:
"Fall seven times, get up eight" (Japanese proverb)
|I first joined LifeGate's editorial staff in 2006, after graduating in Archaelogy and completing a Master's in Environmental Communication. Since then I have had excellent teachers, found wonderful friends and written about ecology and environmental safeguard, which is what I am really interested in.
I take notes by hand and have a lot of notebooks and post-it notes to write down dreams and ideas. I buy organic vegetables and detergents on tap and am a source of concern for my friends and relatives, as I try to convince them to do the same every time they come shopping with me. I love herbalist shops' scent, silence in museums, I practise Aikido and read all kinds of things.
I write about eco-friendly lifestyles, natural health and events.
Favourite quote:
"Fall seven times, get up eight" (Japanese proverb)
Delfini, uccelli, mammiferi: sono 381 le nuove specie animali e vegetali scoperte in Amazzonia tra 2014 e 2015. La gallery
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