10 films on sustainable and ethical fashion not to be missed
A list of some of the best films on ethical and sustainable fashion shown at past editions of the Milan Fashion Film Festival.
Chiara Riccio
Student of Editorial Fashion Communications, I love writing and keeping myself updated on the latest fashion news. I am passionate about fashion, travelling and lifestyle, my dream is to make of writing a veritable job because this is how best express my energies.
Favourite quote:
“In life it is sometimes necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope” (Sandro Pertini)
Student of Editorial Fashion Communications, I love writing and keeping myself updated on the latest fashion news. I am passionate about fashion, travelling and lifestyle, my dream is to make of writing a veritable job because this is how best express my energies.
Favourite quote:
“In life it is sometimes necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope” (Sandro Pertini)
Student of Editorial Fashion Communications, I love writing and keeping myself updated on the latest fashion news. I am passionate about fashion, travelling and lifestyle, my dream is to make of writing a veritable job because this is how best express my energies.
Favourite quote:
“In life it is sometimes necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope” (Sandro Pertini)
Student of Editorial Fashion Communications, I love writing and keeping myself updated on the latest fashion news. I am passionate about fashion, travelling and lifestyle, my dream is to make of writing a veritable job because this is how best express my energies.
Favourite quote:
“In life it is sometimes necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope” (Sandro Pertini)
Student of Editorial Fashion Communications, I love writing and keeping myself updated on the latest fashion news. I am passionate about fashion, travelling and lifestyle, my dream is to make of writing a veritable job because this is how best express my energies.
Favourite quote:
“In life it is sometimes necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope” (Sandro Pertini)
A list of some of the best films on ethical and sustainable fashion shown at past editions of the Milan Fashion Film Festival.
A new study on linen, presented at the Milano Unica trade show, highlights the material’s numerous advantages and low environmental impact.
Dopo Adidas, anche Stella McCartney annuncia di voler collaborare con Parley for the oceans per ripulire i mari dalla plastica.
Rompere le regole del mondo della moda è quello che sta facendo la stilista down Isabella Springmühl con Down to Xjabelle, la sua linea di abiti ispirata al Guatemala.
Low-impact materials and a transparent supply chain: this is what sustainable fashion is about according to the clothing brand Iluut, launched by three young designers.
Cyclists, bikers and pedestrians, Wair has finally arrived. It is an anti-pollution scarf that filters harmful substances in the air and, through an app, indicates less polluted routes.
Replacing animal leather is possible. Muskin is an eco-friendly alternative entirely made from natural raw materials, including the cap of a special mushroom.
Domotics makes your home smart: locks that open with a touch, appliances that do whatever you want when you’re not at home, thermostats that can be programmed according to your working needs. Everything can be monitored and managed via cell phone.
A team of engineers at Stanford University has designed hi-tech mirrors that cool buildings by beaming heat away from them and into space.
Why are the fabrics of the south of the world so colourful and showy? Let’s discover together the colours and patterns used by indigenous peoples for realising fabrics.
Arjowiggins Graphic, a leader company in recycled paper, and Childfund Alliance have launcehd an initiative to donate a hundred bikes to the same number of Indian girls.