Amah Ayivi, the Togolese designer creating high fashion with discarded clothes
By recovering clothes discarded in the West, Togolese designer Amah Ayiv gives them new life through his high fashion creations.
Daniele Bellocchio
I’m a journalist with a degree in History from the University of Milan and have been working on Africa since 2002. I’ve covered the continent’s major crises and wars, and conducted reportages in Central America, the Balkans, Caucasus and Asia too.
My work, published by the most important news media (Italian and non), has been awarded the following prizes: “Fogli di viaggio, Tiziano Terzani 2012”, “Ucsi 2013”, “Giornalisti del Mediterraneo 2014”, “Giuseppe De Carli 2014”, “Tonino Carino 2014”, “Indro Montanelli Prize 2015, special mention”, “Gaspare Barbiellini Amidei 2018”, “Marco Luchetta 2019” and ”Cristiana Matano 2019”.
My ebook “Viaggio al centro della guerra” is published by Mondadori.
By recovering clothes discarded in the West, Togolese designer Amah Ayiv gives them new life through his high fashion creations.
A report from Beni, a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo shaken by violence and Ebola. Marco Gualazzini’s photographs paint a distressing scenario – in which children are most at risk.