Enrico Pirotta


I have been involved in marine science since 2007, first as part of my studies and in recent years as a researcher. My passion has always been the biology and ecology of marine predators, particularly marine mammals. With my work, I hope to shed light on the fascinating life of these magnificent creatures, in order to support their conservation in the face of growing human pressure on the sea.


Favourite quote:

"If I tell you that the city toward which my journey tends is discontinuous in space and time, now scattered, now more condensed, you must not believe the search for it can stop" (The Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino)

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New biodegradable nets could contribute to solving ghost fishing

New biodegradable nets could contribute to solving ghost fishing

What is ghost fishing and why is it a problem All fishing nets, lines and traps that get lost or abandoned at sea continue to operate long after we lose track of them. The main resulting threat for the marine environment is so-called ghost fishing: abandoned floating nets keep catching fish and other marine animals

Discovering the whales and dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea

Discovering the whales and dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea

“Blow at 2 o’clock!”, shouts a member of the research team onboard the motorsailer Pelagos. For five endless minutes everyone has been scanning the sea in a state of alert silence, looking for a white puff to indicate the blow of a male sperm whale coming to the surface to breathe and rest. The researchers

How the giants of the ocean are doing

How the giants of the ocean are doing

While most species of large whales are recovering from the collapse caused by commercial exploitation in the past two centuries, some populations are still struggling. A recent report, authored by experts of the Marine Mammal Commission in the U.S., reviews their status and highlights the main threats that these giants of the oceans are currently

The dark side of marine renewable energy developments

The dark side of marine renewable energy developments

In response to the growing concerns regarding energy security and climate change, many countries across the globe are investing in the development of marine renewable energy installations. These include offshore wind farms as well as wave and tidal devices, the so-called wet renewables. The benefits of these investments for our society are indisputable, but scientists