Brexit and environment, risks and opportunities for the UK in an uncertain climate
A trade deal was reached just days before the end of the transition period, yet the effects of Brexit on UK environmental policy and law remain unclear.
Flavia Olivieri
A recent graduate in Msc in Environmental Sciences, this degree has given me the strong sense of urgency and desire to spread awareness on environmental issues. I integrate sustainable practices such as limiting plastic usage and general waste in my daily life, while also believing that writing news articles may be an equally (if not more) effective way to act upon environmental concerns. I plan on furthering my technical and scientific knowledge with more studies, which will hopefully give me a stronger voice in this.
Panta Rei (Heraclitus)
A trade deal was reached just days before the end of the transition period, yet the effects of Brexit on UK environmental policy and law remain unclear.
Much uncertainty remains in the transition period. Here’s what EU citizens living in the UK, and vice versa, should know about and expect from Brexit.
As London and the rest of the UK are in lockdown opportunities for long-lasting change have emerged out of of the crisis: solutions relating to the environment, work and healthcare that can be applied elsewhere too.
The Scottish island of Eigg is self-sufficient for its energy needs, relying almost entirely on renewable sources, especially thanks to a coordinated community effort.
The Bokeo Region of north-western Laos hosts a 10,000 hectare area known as the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ), which has belonged to Hong Kong-based firm Kings Romans since 2007, when the company signed a 75-year contract (extendable to 99 years) with an 80 per cent stake in the operation. This transformed the area into an
The livelihood of millions depends on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), especially in Sub-Sarahan Africa. Yet this practice comes at a significant environmental and human cost.
Worldwide increase in demand for avocados especially in Western countries is generating unprecedented consequences in other parts of the world, such as intense water scarcity in Chile’s Petorca region.
Climate change could reduce barley yields, negatively affecting the availability and price of beer. This may not be global warming’s worst tragic consequence but could represent a sad loss.