Francesca Clemente


All articles - 62
Xavier Rudd: the new video, Come People, exclusive to LifeGate

Xavier Rudd: the new video, Come People, exclusive to LifeGate

Born in Torquay, Victoria, the Australian songwriter Xavier Rudd has created seven albums and a single, Follow the Sun, that climbed the charts of the whole world last summer, winning the platinum disc in Italy. He is a multi-instrumentalist (he can play sixteen musical instruments) and, thanks to his live performances, participations to a number of music festivals

Trees and soil, our strategy to fight climate change

Trees and soil, our strategy to fight climate change

The fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals that climate change is underway and is entirely of anthropogenic origin, i.e. it is caused by humans. Although the introduction of innovative low carbon technologies, global temperature increased by 0.7 °C in the last two centuries.   The effects of temperature rise could

Artichoke tapenade

Artichoke tapenade

Ingredients 4 artichokes 1 Tropea red onion 100 g of pitted Taggiasche olives 3 spoonful of Aeolian salted capers 1 bunch of parsley 2 fillets of anchovy in oil the juice of half a lemon minced dry chili pepper extra virgin olive oil whole herb sea salt     Preparation Soak the capers in lukewarm

Naomi Klein. This changes everything, not just the climate

Naomi Klein. This changes everything, not just the climate

Naomi Klein, in her latest essay This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, starts with the basic assumption that without a radical change in the way in which people live, produce and manage their economic activities, there is no way to avoid environmental destruction.   15 years after the publication of No logo, the bible of the anti-globalization

Nature protects Copenhagen against climate change

Nature protects Copenhagen against climate change

Four years after the terrible storm that ripped through Copenhagen causing damage of more than five million kroner, the Danish government decided to deal with the effects of climate change by planning the creation of a new district through nature.     On 6th December, the new district Saint Kjeld, designed by Rafn Flemming Thomsen

Juno, the New York blizzard in time lapse

Juno, the New York blizzard in time lapse

On 27th January, the blizzard called Juno, the first in 2015, rose up through the north east coast of the United States. Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York city called for emergency measures to avoid inconvenience, damages or accidents. Fortunately, the storm hit New York marginally and it caused damages mainly in New England

Pancakes with ricotta and lemon

Pancakes with ricotta and lemon

Ingredients 250 g of sheep milk’s ricotta 2 eggs 70 g of flour 10 cl of fresh whole milk 1 lemon butter 1 spoonful of whole brown sugar half a teaspoonful of powdered yeast whole sea salt     Preparation Mix flour, ricotta, egg yolks, milk, yeast, a pinch of salt, sugar and grated lemon

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Sedano rapa e salvia   Ingredienti 2 teste di sedano rapa 1 tazza scarsa di latte parzialmente scremato una manciata di foglie di salvia fresca olio extra vergine di oliva sale marino integrale pepe nero da macinare    Foto ©   Preparazione Portate una pentola di acqua a bollire a fuoco medio-alto. Sbucciare e tagliare

Things that is easiest to do with a partner

Things that is easiest to do with a partner

This year’s good intentions include starting practicing sports, such as swimming or running? Involve even your partner in adopting this healthy behaviour and this idea will prove more successful . The same goes if you want to stop smoking or eat a healthier diet. Cultivating healthy habits is easier if you have a partner.