Ilaria D’Ambrosi


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There’s who decided to give land for free to see it relive

There’s who decided to give land for free to see it relive

The increase in people enrolling for the agriculture department and the boom in organic products are clear: young people want to return to work the land. This is one of the positive effects of the economic crisis: unemployment is tackled by going back to the land. There’s who works family lands, who rent out cooperatives’

Women of Grand Sable plant mangroves to protect the land

Women of Grand Sable plant mangroves to protect the land

The inhabitants of a village in the Indian Ocean, tired of the negative impacts of global warming, have taken matters into their own hands and safeguarded their community from the risks that threaten their livelihoods. The women of the island have planted twenty thousand mangroves to protect the land and water fauna. The future of

A thousand and one things you can do with recycled wood

A thousand and one things you can do with recycled wood

Wood is the most used material worldwide. The fact of being easy to be processed and its availability increase the demand of the raw material, contributing in this way to environment devastation. Designers’ works all over the world demonstrate that surrounding ourselves of nice objects doesn’t necessarily mean cutting down new trees.     The

The Metrocab: navigating London without polluting it

The Metrocab: navigating London without polluting it

London reaches its objective of reducing pollution by licensing the Metrocab, a new generation of the city’s iconic taxi powered by electric engines. Metrocab is still black and more or less recalls the design of the ultra-traditional London taxi but, unlike its historic ancestor, it emits 75% less CO2.     For more than a

Rudolf Steiner and biodynamic agriculture

Rudolf Steiner and biodynamic agriculture

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education and the inspiration behind biodynamic agriculture was born in 1861, in Kraljevic, present Croatia.     Philosopher, educator and social reformer, Steiner attended the Vienna Institute on Technology, where he studied physics, a subject that influenced his way of thinking. His belief that the observation method utilised by

Trees and soil, our strategy to fight climate change

Trees and soil, our strategy to fight climate change

The fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals that climate change is underway and is entirely of anthropogenic origin, i.e. it is caused by humans. Although the introduction of innovative low carbon technologies, global temperature increased by 0.7 °C in the last two centuries.   The effects of temperature rise could

7 reasons why we should build straw houses and live in them

7 reasons why we should build straw houses and live in them

Nearly the half of the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere are generated by the construction industry and buildings energy consumption. Sustainable construction techniques are necessary in order to reduce the environmental impact. Natural materials and low CO2 emissions practices are fundamental in making building more sustainable for the planet. Straw houses are appropriate examples

Nature protects Copenhagen against climate change

Nature protects Copenhagen against climate change

Four years after the terrible storm that ripped through Copenhagen causing damage of more than five million kroner, the Danish government decided to deal with the effects of climate change by planning the creation of a new district through nature.     On 6th December, the new district Saint Kjeld, designed by Rafn Flemming Thomsen

Zero impact houses can be built: the project by the Snøhetta studio

Zero impact houses can be built: the project by the Snøhetta studio

The eco-friendly house built in Larvik, Norway, was designed and realised by the architect studio Snøhetta in collaboration with the Research centre on zero emission buildings of Trondheim. With the Zero emission buildings (ZEB) pilot house project, the Norwegian studio demonstrated that it is possible to build zero impact buildings. The house project, motivated by the need

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

The beauty of some medieval villages demonstrates that the Dark Ages were not so dark. In this period (from the Fifth century to the year one thousand), the agrarian economy and the feudalism encourage the rise of new settlements around abbeys and castles. Many Medieval cities and towns were notable for narrow and winding streets that wrapped themselves