Ranger killed by poachers for protecting elephants in Congo
Poachers killed the ranger Agoyo Mbikoyo, committed to monitoring elephants in the Congolese park.
Lorenzo Brenna
Web Content Writer
Poachers killed the ranger Agoyo Mbikoyo, committed to monitoring elephants in the Congolese park.
Humans need to sleep a certain amount of hours every day, which can vary depending on the age: adults need an average of 7-8 hours per night. Sleep allows us recovering the energies we lost throughout the day, and makes our organism work better, favouring concentration and coordination. Sleeping habits vary from animal to animal: every
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L’allarme viene lanciato dal Wwf che ha individuato undici aree in cui si concentrerà l’80 per cento della perdita di foreste.
Contact with animals gives children a greater sense of responsibility, enhances empathy and increases their understanding of the cycle of life.
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La vera portata del disastro ambientale è ancora in fase di studio, la National Wildlife Federation ha però pubblicato uno studio sugli impatti sulla biodiversità.