IUCN, the are over 22 thousand endangered species, here are the 15 new entries
The endangered species now include 15 new species such as Pacific bluefin tuna, Chinese Pufferfish and Tanzanian chameleon.
Lorenzo Brenna
Web Content Writer
The endangered species now include 15 new species such as Pacific bluefin tuna, Chinese Pufferfish and Tanzanian chameleon.
Change can start with a film. The Films For Action association made a list of 500 films that can change the world.
German zoologist Werner Freund has been studying the behaviour of wolves in their environment for over 40 years, by living with them.
Dopo secoli di soprusi i lupi stanno tornando a popolare boschi e montagne del nostro pianeta. Eppure il rapporto con l’uomo continua ad essere conflittuale.
La star hollywoodiana conferma la sensibilità verso le tematiche ambientali producendo un film sulla storia vera di una femmina di lupo uccisa nel 2012.
Il governo indiano ha deciso di combattere la disoccupazione giovanile e la cattiva qualità dell’aria piantando 2 miliardi di alberi lungo le strade del Paese.
North American study reveals that the environmental impact of beef is superior to that of other farm animals.
After 50 years in chains living on handouts, the elephant Raju was freed and driven to a conservation area by Wildlife SOS’ volunteers.
A study conducted by the Forest Heroes association accuses the major American companies to contribute to deforestation through the use of non-certified palm oil.
Australian research reveals that koalas hug trees to reduce their body temperature, by clinging to tree branches that are cooler than the temperature of the air.