Luisa Gattone


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If you respect food, ask the restaurant for a doggy bag for leftovers

If you respect food, ask the restaurant for a doggy bag for leftovers

On New Year’s Day a new law came into effect in France striving to cut down on food waste. Even though the world is producing more than enough food for its inhabitants, hunger is still one the most pernicious problems to solve globally according to the FAO. The new law obliges restaurants with over 180

Stop worrying about New York: blizzard Jonas has calmed down

Stop worrying about New York: blizzard Jonas has calmed down

Weather forecasting in the United States is taken very seriously: it started in the early history of the country and has always been fundamental to its people given that Nature can be overwhelming in the vast nation, where sudden and violent storms can destroy and kill if no precautions are taken. For the sake of

The second life of drones. The dreaded technology can also be a force for good

The second life of drones. The dreaded technology can also be a force for good

In April 2015 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, and the population was highly unprepared to face the devastation. Only 5,000 people were available to rescue the more than 8 million affected. GlobalMedic, a rescue unit from Canada, was able to use drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), to identify thousands of survivors among what