Canada is setting up a 10-million-hectare marine protected area
A new marine protected area will be created in Canada thanks to indigenous campaigners, because protecting native land means protecting the environment.
Maurizio Bongioanni
Freelance journalist, born in 1985. I have a degree in Communication Sciences, have worked with a number of news outlets at the local, national and international level. I am sensitive to environmental sustainability themes and have authored documentaries on the topic of soil consumption. I am an activist, my "cause" are landscapes, as well as a passionate musician.
Favourite quote: "How do I explain to my wife that when I look out the window I'm working? (Joseph Conrad)
A new marine protected area will be created in Canada thanks to indigenous campaigners, because protecting native land means protecting the environment.
The ozone hole is healing, thanks to cooperation between countries and the implementation of environmental agreements. An example we can learn from.
The small Pacific island of Tuvalu is highly vulnerable to rising sea levels. At COP27, it demanded strict targets for the transition from fossil fuels.
COP27 started in the wake of a remarkable revelation: Arctic summer sea ice will melt completely for the first time and at least once before 2050.
Ugandan activist Patience Nabukalu was in Turin for the Fridays for Future European meeting: “The Global North should listen to us because it depends on us”.
Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court has indefinitely shelved a case that was set to drastically alter indigenous land right claims, leaving its fate uncertain.
Hundreds of tonnes of oil have poured out onto Israel’s Mediterranean coast. Experts believe it’s one of the country’s worst ecological disasters.
A federal court in Washington, D.C. has struck down the Dakota Access Pipeline, following years of campaigning by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.
Microplastics are choking our oceans and threatening our health. A guide to the key facts on what microplastics are, where they come from and what is being done to eliminate them.
Dopo l’ordine di sgombero di Donald Trump, chi si oppone al Dakota access pipeline si sta riorganizzando per la manifestazione del 10 marzo. E intanto in Italia…
Riconosciuti i rischi ambientali del progetto Dakota access pipeline. Una vittoria per i sioux e tutti gli nativi americani. Ma la lotta potrebbe non essere finita.