Political short-sightedness is fuelling wildfires in the USA
Wildfires in the US have caused over 30 deaths and destroyed 2 million hectares so far. The tragedy became political when Trump visited California.
Patrick Bracelli
Wildfires in the US have caused over 30 deaths and destroyed 2 million hectares so far. The tragedy became political when Trump visited California.
Salman Khairalla is an Iraqi activist who’s been fighting to protect his country’s marshes, a key water resource, since 2007.
The Sudanese government and rebel groups have signed a historic peace agreement, the start of a new chapter for the country after 17 years of civil war.
Dozens of people who fell ill because of toxic fumes and waste from a lead refinery on the outskirts of Mombasa have found justice in court.
Oil and gas companies will be allowed to drill in a protected nature reserve, 7.8 million hectares of wilderness across northeastern Alaska.
Tulasi Gowda is known as the goddess or encyclopaedia of the forest for her ability to extract seeds from mother trees and regenerate plant species.
Mohammed Reza Sahib, who fights for the right to water as a public good, has contributed to halting the privatisation of this resource in Indonesia.
Bumblebees can help plants flower more quickly. However, pesticides, parasites and climate change are putting this key species in serious danger.
The 4000-year-old Milne Ice Shelf, Canada’s last one, has collapsed due to temperatures 5 degrees higher than the 30-year average.
He’s been fighting for solutions to India’s water crisis for a long time. Environmentalist and water defender Rajendra Singh tells us his story.