Earth Overshoot Day 2020 fell three weeks later than last year
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Earth Overshoot Day 2020 falls on 22 August, over three weeks later than in 2019. A blessing in disguise?
Patrick Bracelli
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Earth Overshoot Day 2020 falls on 22 August, over three weeks later than in 2019. A blessing in disguise?
The cargo ship that ran aground off the coast of Mauritius on 25 July, causing incalculable damage, has split in two and its captain has been arrested.
Moha Tawja is an activist fighting for the right to water in Morocco. The water defender tells us about the damage caused by the mining industry.
Tulasi Gowda, 83, of southern India’s Halakki tribe, is known as the “encyclopaedia of the forest” thanks to her profound knowledge of seeds and plants. She is a recipient of the 2020 Padma Shri Awards – India’s fourth-highest civilian honour – for her invaluable environmental contribution. Translated by Patrick Bracelli
The story of Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua, the farmer bringing water to animals during droughts, has fascinated many. We asked him about his new project.
Music plays a key role in the Black Lives Matter movement. A journey through the most powerful beats in support of the struggle against racism in the US.
A thousand elephants could die of starvation in Thailand as the camps where the animals are exploited for tourism have had to close due to Covid-19.
100,000 mink will be culled in Spain after testing positive for coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Netherlands abandons mink farming completely.
John Lewis was 80 years old and had cancer. He was the last surviving leader of the civil rights movement in the United States.
Democracy places a key role in putting the Covid-19 crisis behind us. An interview with Walden Bello, who has dedicated his life to defending human rights.