Sea levels rise faster than expected, NASA warns
8 centimetres since 1992. This is how much sea levels have risen due to ice melting and warming oceans. “It’s very likely to get worse”.
Rudi Bressa
8 centimetres since 1992. This is how much sea levels have risen due to ice melting and warming oceans. “It’s very likely to get worse”.
Il simposio riunito lo scorso martedì a Istanbul chiede ai 1,6 miliardi di musulmani di ridurre le proprie emissioni climalteranti per proteggere il fragile equilibrio del pianeta.
Un centro cittadino rinato, un solo accesso per entrare, uno per uscire. E quasi metà degli spostamenti avvengono in bici.
Institutions, cooperatives, and companies producing chocolate team up to achieve a unique result: organic cocoa rather than coca leaves.
A solar concentrator makes photovoltaic panels transparent. It can be applied on different surfaces, from windows to smartphones glasses.
NASA announced that Kepler telescope, which was launched in 2009, discovered Kepler 452b, a new Earth-like planet.
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There are 2 historic laws protecting 20% of the European territory. And now they risk being changed to reduce red tape.
According to a survey published by a European research team, it is possible to build wind farms on bridges and viaducts.
“I’ve been a businessman for almost 50 years. It’s as difficult for me to say those words as it is for someone to admit being an alcoholic or a lawyer”. This is the very beginning of Yvon Chouinard’s biography, founder of the outdoor apparel brand Patagonia. The occasion to meet him was the launch of