10 easy-to-make and recycled bird feeders
During the coldest days of the year here are a few tips on how to make bird feeders that help birds survive the winter.
Rudi Bressa
During the coldest days of the year here are a few tips on how to make bird feeders that help birds survive the winter.
It is scientifically proven. Office plants enhance your productivity, your mood and reduce indoor pollution. Here are 10 plants to grow in your office.
Eating less, but better quality meat. Alongside vegetarianism and veganism, reducetarianism is the new diet for those who are not ready to give up foods of animal origin.
That Bill Gates, who has long been one of the Planet’s richest and most influential people, has committed himself in philanthropic projects is already known. But further demonstration comes with the last prototype realised thanks to the funds of the Gates Foundation, the Omniprocessor. Bill Gates himself in the pages of his official website
Moving, symbolic and almost dreamlike images. Here is what you feel like when you fly above the ruins of a modern city.
This heavy metal tolerant plant is considered miraculous in many regions of the world. Thanks to its many thin roots it prevents soil erosion.
If you wish to reduce consumptions dramatically, even with powerful engines, follow these tips for an ecodrive and get immediate positive results.
A historic decision by Grenoble, in France: 50 new trees were planted, replacing billboards. “An ecological and ethical choice,” the mayor says.
Today (almost) all car companies produce electric cars. Here are a few models you can have a go at.
Retrofitting is a technical term which means modifying the technology of an object to improve its performances. Segun Oyeyiola, a Nigerian student of Engineering, just retrofitted an old Volkswagen Beetle and turned it into a solar and wind-powered car. Within a year the final year student managed to convert the Beetle into a