WarkaWater: the tower that produces water from thin air
The WarkaWater tower is designed to provide remote villages with drinking water. The structure, made of natural materials, can produce 90 litres of water per day.
Rudi Bressa
The WarkaWater tower is designed to provide remote villages with drinking water. The structure, made of natural materials, can produce 90 litres of water per day.
A cycling lane of almost 7,000 kilometres retraces the history of the iron curtain that divided Europe, from the Warsaw Pact to the Berlin Wall fall.
They are one of the best way to remove parasites in your orchard or garden without the use of pesticides. Here are ladybugs’ favourite plants.
Berlin launches its first supermarket with no packaging. Disposable packaging and wrappers difficult to be disposed of are things of the past. You’ll only find products in bulk. In Berlin there is a new way of shopping at the supermarket.
Whether you have a small balcony or a big garden, it’s time to plant flowers to attract and feed honeybees, even in the city.
Global GMO cultivation. The majority of genetically modified species cultivated on a global level are soy, maize, cotton and rapeseed. They account for 176 million hectares globally, according Manuela Giovannetti, professor at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-environment Sciences of the University of Pisa. These species are used for manufacturing and for the production
Developed by En-Eco Group a company established in Florence, the new photovoltaic panels are flexible, recyclable and efficient. They can be carried or installed almost everywhere and it allows you to always have electricity at your fingertips.
The amount of food we throw away before it reaches our tables could stop malnutrition. Here’s the report that reveals it.
Dopo le ultime uccisioni avvenute nella Maremma toscana, il Wwf si mobilita e suggerisce 5 interventi mirati per una convivenza pacifica tra uomo e lupo.