Uganda launches Africa’s first solar-powered bus
It is a 35-seater electric solar bus with a range of 80 km. In Uganda sustainable mobility starts with the first solar-powered bus.
Rudi Bressa
It is a 35-seater electric solar bus with a range of 80 km. In Uganda sustainable mobility starts with the first solar-powered bus.
Ciclabili, mobilità elettrica, stretta su plastica e rifiuti. Ecco come la seconda città della Germania sta diventando una smart city.
Due to the lack of soil for the construction of PV plants, the Japanese company Kyocera has thought to build one on a water reservoir. This is the result.
2015 was a record year for wind, which confirmed to be a promising source of power. 12% of Europe’s electricity needs was covered.
Anni di battaglie e di tribunali hanno dato ragione al contadino sardo. Quei resort di lusso resteranno sulla carta
If hoverboards set the current fashion trend, an alternative choice would be electric kick scooters, even though they aren’t street legal yet.
When levels of pollutants cannot be lowered, limits are relaxed. This is what happened at the European Parliament on 3 February. MEPs voted for implementing emission tests on cars’ Real Driving Emissions (RDE) that will lead to the cut down of cars’ maximum emission values. However, it’s all about giving car manufacturers
Pedro Reyes ha letteralmente fuso più di un migliaio di pistole e ne ha fatto dei badili per piantare alberi.
Po, Ticino, ma anche i grandi laghi del Nord registrano livelli d’acqua preoccupanti. Gli eventi estremi aumentano di frequenza e intensità, segno che i cambiamenti climatici sono già in atto.
A thousand kilometres of roads will be paved with solar panels that will produce energy for millions of French people. But costs could be prohibitive.