Tommaso Perrone

Editor in Chief

All articles - 10
Materia Instabile, a journey across Iceland of over a million steps

Materia Instabile, a journey across Iceland of over a million steps

After a journey across Iceland of over a million steps, precisely 1,066,113, he needed to stop to think. Mattia Vettorello, young Italian explorer, created a photo-book, Materia Instabile (Unstable Matter). It’s an attempt to push everyone, beginners included, to challenge themselves and get out of their comfort zone. Life is short, and there are too

What is the terrorism of gossip

What is the terrorism of gossip

Il terrorismo delle chiacchiere è una minaccia terribile, una miccia che può accendere focolai di odio. Chi la pensa così e ha pronunciato queste parole ha tutto il diritto di farlo.

Adopt an elderly Dane. An ironic video welcomes them to Africa

Adopt an elderly Dane. An ironic video welcomes them to Africa

In the aftermath of Denmark’s new law that allows police seize valuables of asylum seekers, Danish people are complaining on social networks about the fact that too much money is spent in international cooperation projects rather than being destined to elderly people. The radio programme P3 broadcasted by Denmark’s broadcasting corporation DR thus realised an extremely hilarious

What is the Schengen Agreement and why it will never be revoked

What is the Schengen Agreement and why it will never be revoked

The Schengen Agreement, named after the small town of Luxembourg where it was signed on 18 June 1985, gave life to the area of the same name that allows the free movement of persons. It’s one of the most important and effective peace agreements ever achieved between sovereign states. Its entry into force, begun in 1985, made

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

The idea of helping people “on site” so that they decide to remain in their country rather than migrating towards European coasts is increasingly catching on. After all, this would satisfy both those who want to protect their national borders and those who have a solidarity spirit and believe in international cooperation. Thus, why don’t

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

2015 was the hottest year in history, i.e. since tracking began in 1880. We are approaching 1°C in average global temperature rise, over half of the threshold set in the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21), 1.5 degrees. Above that limit, many island countries and coastal areas could be submerged and millions of people forced to flee.

Denmark, new wind power record set in 2015

Denmark, new wind power record set in 2015

It breaks one record after another. Denmark already tops any rank dedicated to sustainability, both environmental and social. But it doesn’t settle and, year after year, it does more to try to be an example and – most of all – a stimulus to other countries. In 2015, the renewable energy produced from wind set