Emma Thompson holds a bake-off fracking protest

A frack free bake off in a land for gas extraction: that’s how the Thompson sisters criticise the Government energy policy with Greenpeace UK.

Famous movie star Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie, who became popular after she won the British cooking competition “Celebrity Masterchef”, found an original way to protest against fracking.


“And what better way to do that, here in Britain, than hold a bake off?”, the actress said referring to the traditional British habit of organising bake offs to protest against something. “I’m here with my sister Sophie and we’re using whisks and wooden spoons (and a bit of humour!) to expose the dangers of fracking”.

The Thompson sisters spent their time and endorsed an anti-fracking campaign in Great Britain and submitted a petition to Prime Minister David Cameron and his government that were both launched by the environmental organisation Greenpeace UK.


How did the fracking protest go

So the sisters broke a court injunction on a potential fracking site to hold a bake off in a bespoke kitchen powered by wood and solar panels and built by volunteers. The security force intervened and reported the infraction but didn’t arrest anyone.


emma thompson
Actress Emma Thompson holds a bake off fracking protest © John Cobb/Greenpeace


In a video parody the sisters highlight the contradictions of the government choices as regards the energy policy and prepare two wonderful fracking-free treats: a solar lemon cake and a wind turbine cake.


thompson sisters
Who will win the competition? The wind cake or the solar one? © John Cobb/Greenpeace

This is not the first time, in this region

In the controversial site where the protest took place, in Lancashire, in the north west of the country, Cuadrilla applied for a fracking licence that was refused by the local administration following demonstrations by local communities. But the company appealed against this decision, so nothing is still resolved.

According to Greenpeace UK, the injunction on the site was required by Cuadrilla to prevent protesters from entering the site as happened in 2014, when some twenty mothers and grandmothers, the so-called Lancashire Nanas, occupied the site for three weeks to explain passers-by the dangers of fracking offering them tea and cake slices.


Lancashire Nanas
Lancashire Nanas against fracking © Christopher Furlong/Getty Images


But Cuadrilla’s move wasn’t effective since Emma and Sophie Thompson’s occupation of the site was inspired in the 2014 events.


In the meantime, in Portugal…

These events happened the same day when the first shipment of US liquid natural gas extracted by fracking method arrived in Portugal.

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