Bangkok: here starts the first pilot project to optimise mobility in the future

The increase in shuttle buses and parking lots (as a measure to control traffic), the design of new information systems to analyse and quantify the positive effects of multimodality and encourage people to change their travelling habits, knowing how to recognise situations that can cause traffic jams and the adoption of measures to prevent them

The increase in shuttle buses and parking lots (as a measure to control traffic), the design of new information systems to analyse and quantify the positive effects of multimodality and encourage people to change their travelling habits, knowing how to recognise situations that can cause traffic jams and the adoption of measures to prevent them and, finally, the improvement of road signage in cooperation with police forces.


These are the four fields in which Toyota mobility foundation will operate to reduce and optimise traffic in Bangkok, Thailand’s most densely populated and congested city. The results will be made public only at the end of the programme, in December 2016. Established in August 2014, the foundation cooperates with non-profit organisations, research institutes, and other partners to apply the knowledge of the Japanese car company to the issues related to global mobility, safety, technology and the environment.


The foundation, in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, joins the World business council for sustainable development in an effort to realise a plan for traffic management in Sathorn road, one of the most congested streets of the Thai capital. The project, that will require about a year and a half to be completed as well as investments accounting for 3 billion euros, should create a road map aimed to optimise and manage traffic.


“The launch of the pilot program in Thailand,” explained Akio Toyoda, Chairman of the Board of TMF and President of Toyota Motor Corporation, “brings us closer to our goal of advancing a true mobile society by helping people move, grow and explore in a world that is comfortable, safe and clean”. How will it end up? The updated programme is available here.

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