The environmental association analysed 126 samples of apples purchased in European supermarkets and found that 83 percent of them are contaminated with pests. But just conventional apples.
It’s simple, without bees there’s no food. Without food human beings are on the brink of extinction. In the new footage by Greenpeace, which on this occasion became Greenbees, a group of activist bees are trying to convince men to stop using pesticides and other toxic chemicals in farming. For themselves. Because without bees there
It’s simple, without bees there’s no food. Without food human beings are on the brink of extinction. In the new footage by Greenpeace, which on this occasion became Greenbees, a group of activist bees are trying to convince men to stop using pesticides and other toxic chemicals in farming. For themselves. Because without bees there is no pollination. Without pollination nature can’t no more provide flowers, fruits, food. A free economic value of 22 billion euros per year.
Recently, the International Union for Conservation of Nature warned the European countries about the damages of intensive farming to pollinators, from pollution to the negative impacts of global warming. Of 68 species analised, 24 percent is endangered.
The last scene of the video is emblematic: two bees are distributing leaflets holding a sign reading “Save the humans”. Give bees a chance because, as the final slogan says, “without us, you don’t have one”.
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The environmental association analysed 126 samples of apples purchased in European supermarkets and found that 83 percent of them are contaminated with pests. But just conventional apples.
Un nuovo studio conferma la nocività dei pesticidi neonicotinoidi per le api. Greenpeace ne chiede la messa al bando per tutti gli impieghi e tutte le colture.
Intensive apple production in Europe uses too much chemicals. The most frequentlly found substance was a fungicide and there are also seven types of pesticides not approved by the EU.
The International Rebellion took place in 60 cities around the world between 7 and 20 October 2019. Extinction Rebellion activists tell their stories from London, at the heart of the radical, nonviolent environmental movement.
The message Emmanuel Macron had sent on climate change started circulating (again) after his election as French president. Here’s the video.
Seeds of Freedom is the new song of French musician and singer-songwriter of Spanish origin Manu Chao, dedicated to the fight that farmers and peasants are carrying out against agrochemical giant Monsanto, and in support to the International Monstanto Tribunal. On 18 April the Monsanto Tribunal, an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for
An inconvenient sequel: truth to power è il nuovo documentario di Al Gore dopo Una scomoda verità. Il trailer ufficiale è finalmente disponibile.
La sequenza, contenuta in un episodio della serie della Bbc Planet Earth II, è già ritenuta una delle scene più belle nella storia dei documentari.
Before the flood è incentrato sulla più grande minaccia che il nostro pianeta si trova a dover fronteggiare: i cambiamenti climatici.