Animal Rights

Brazil dam burst. Fire fighters rescue a dog trapped in mud

Oltre alle vittime umane il crollo delle dighe in Brasile ha ucciso e ferito un grande numero di animali. Un cane però ce l’ha fatta.

Frightened, exhausted, and completely covered with mud. This is how a female dog has been rescued from the mud that entirely covered the village of Bento Rodrigues earlier this month, on 5 November.


cane salvato
Dog rescued from mud by a fire fighter of Bento Rodrigues


The rescue of the animal by fire fighters represented a moment of joy and hope in a completely dramatic situation. The dam burst in south-eastern Brazil has killed 11 people and left 12 missing, alongside 500 displaced people and incalculable environmental damages.


The accident has caused the spill of over 50 million cubic metres of mud and residual liquids from the mine, containing highly toxic substances. Over 250,000 people have no access to drinking water and many lost everything. However, humans are not the only victims.


cane fango
Thanks to fire fighters and volunteers many animals have been rescued


All animals in the area are dying by asphyxia or for being poisoned by toxic liquid waste. Several organisations specialised in recuing animals took action to save pets and farm animals, after their owners were evacuated for security reasons.


Thanks to fire fighters’ and volunteers’ work tens of animals have been rescued from mud. Hundreds of people living in the villages close to Bento Rodrigues have donated basic necessities to displaced people, whilst animal-rights associations, such as the Animal Rights Defense Institute (IDDA) have promptly acted to help numerous animals in danger.


An injured dog is rescued after a dam burst at the small town of Bento Rodrigues in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, Friday, Nov. 6, 2015. Brazilian rescuers searched feverishly Friday for possible survivors after two dams burst at an iron ore mine in a southeastern mountainous area.  (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)
Another dog rescued after the disaster in Bento Rodrigues (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)


“It’s a sad and dramatic situation – wrote the Animal Rights Defense Institute on its Facebook page – but each life that is saved represents a glimmer of hope”.

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