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From the 8th to the 10th of May, Rimini hosted Macfrut, the trade fair that has become a reference point for all Italian and international fruit and vegetable professionals: an opportunity to understand the current state of the market and its new trends. We took the chance to delve into Made in Nature, a project funded by the European Union and Cso Italy, created to promote the benefits of consuming organic fruits and vegetables and to protect the environment.

During the event, we had the opportunity to meet some of the protagonists of organic farming in Italy and talk with them about an extremely dynamic sector for our Country.

Crucial issues were discussed, such as the challenges of organic agriculture derived from an unstable market and climate change, the importance of effective communication to convey the authentic values of organic, the approach of new generations to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and the role of institutions in promoting organic food. It has been highlighted how, despite the difficulties, organic farming remains a sustainable strategy for the future of the sector and the planet.