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Intervista a Paolo Bruni.
Cso Italy’s predisent, Paolo Bruni © Made in Nature

The president of Cso Italy, Paolo Bruni, highlighted the remarkable successes of Made in Nature achieved over the first two years of operation. Through effective communication strategies, the project has reached about one hundred million people and 45 thousand unique users through the website. In addition, direct point-of-sale initiatives have enabled two million consumers to experience the quality of organic products, confirming the added value of an organic diet that not only improves individual well-being but also helps reduce public health costs. Bruni also highlighted the key role of institutions, particularly the European Union, in supporting organic farming, highlighting the need to intensify promotional efforts in the face of declining fruit and vegetable consumption: it is important to effectively educate young people about the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables through initiatives in educational settings such as schools and secondly to raise awareness of environmental issues and support the market for the upcoming challenges.

Organic fits perfectly into the triangle of environmental, social and economic sustainability, becoming a way of being and a way of life.

Paolo Bruni, Cso Italy’s president