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Intervista a Elisa Macchi.
Elisa Macchi, Ceo of Cso Italy © Made in Nature

Elisa Macchi, Ceo of Cso Italy, has presented the results of a survey conducted together with the Piepoli institute in Milan that investigated the relationship between younger generations and fruit and vegetable consumption. The research revealed that young people consume fewer fruits and vegetables than older generations and that the main obstacle lies in an ineffective communication. Many young people feel that they are not adequately familiar with these foods and need to receive simple and direct messages from reliable sources such as family, school, and sports personalities, who do not necessarily have to be prominent international figures, but it can also be people closer to them such as the soccer coach, for example. Despite the interest in exotic products including mangoes and avocados which are primarily seen as a way to explore new cultures and traditions, young people remain sensitive to sustainability issues, preferring local products whenever possible. A fundamental thing to consider to product innovation: the demand for variety and novelty is driving changes in tastes and consumption habits.

The younger generations have shown a critical eye and a conscious way of consumption. What they demand are clear and direct information that they can trust in addition to an innovative and diverse product.

Elisa Macchi, direttore Cso Italy