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Intervista a Mauro Laghi.
Mauro Laghi, sales and marketing director of Brio  © Made in Nature

As far as consumption is concerned, after a slowdown attributed mainly to inflation, Mauro Laghi, sales director of Brio, an organic products company leading the market with brands such as Alce Nero, highlights the recovery of the Italian organic sector. According to Laghi, it is ever more important to communicate to consumers that the real costs of organic fruits and vegetables have a significantly lower impact on the household budget than is commonly believed. This can help correct the perception of the high cost of organics and promote them as an affordable option. In addition, it is crucial to continue to highlight the added value of organic farming, which goes far beyond the absence of chemicals. In fact it includes practices such as crop rotation, which protects soil richness and prevents carbon dioxide buildup, and ongoing research, as in the case of the symbiotic agriculture project that Brio is working on and which explores the symbiosis between plants and rooted microorganisms. Valuing these complex and expensive practices is crucial to justify the generally higher price of organic products compared to conventional ones.

The perception that the cost of organic produce is excessively high is a myth that needs to be dispelled. Data show that the incidence of spending on fruits and vegetables in the total household budget is actually much lower than commonly thought.

Mauro Laghi, sales and marketing director of Brio