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Intervista a Paolo Pari.
Paolo Pari, marketing director at Almaverde Bio © Made in Nature

In the post-covid era, a lot of dynamics have changed, affecting both the inclination and ability of consumers to spend. According to Paolo Pari, marketing director of Almaverde Bio, in addition to the innovation of organic products, this scenario calls for a constant revision of sales strategies, such as the introduction of price scales even in organic, that is, diversified prices of a similar product but with variations that may concern, for example, size. Almaverde’s organic islands are also moving in this direction, offering specific locations in supermarkets that allow direct contact with consumers and greater exposure of organic products. These spaces have already recorded surprising results, as in the case of turnip, which, despite not being popular in Italy, gains appreciation when it is made known to consumers through, for example, on-site tastings. These successes demonstrate that organic should not be confined to a niche, but should be recognized and valued as a significant opportunity in the marketplace.

Those who say you can no longer sell organic today are missing a great opportunity to expand their market.

Paolo Pari, marketing manager of Almaverde Bio