Copenhagen is home to the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food

People were queuing up for the opening of the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food. WeFood was inaugurated in Copenhagen by Crown Princess Mary herself and will be managed by the volunteers of the association Folkekirkens Nødhjælp.     The project is aimed at reducing food waste levels, particularly of those groceries that are still

People were queuing up for the opening of the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food. WeFood was inaugurated in Copenhagen by Crown Princess Mary herself and will be managed by the volunteers of the association Folkekirkens Nødhjælp.


spreco alimentare
Inauguration day. Photo: Wefood/Facebook


The project is aimed at reducing food waste levels, particularly of those groceries that are still edible (according to sanitary criteria) but would be thrown away because of flaws in packaging, because they’ve just expired or remained unsold. The products are sold with discounts from 30 to 50 per cent. “Our initiative is not just aimed at low-income shoppers but anyone who is concerned about the amount of food waste produced in this country,” said the NGO.


spreco alimentare
The supermarket sells fresh food, products past their official expiry date or with damaged packaging. Via Wefood/Facebook


Food waste has become unsustainable

Every year, 1.3 billion tonnes of food are thrown away globally, while 800 million people suffer from hunger. According to Italy’s Barilla Centre Food and Nutrition, 10 to 20 million tonnes of food are wasted annually in Italy, an amount worth 37 billion euros, which means 450 euros a year for each family. Such amount of food would be enough to feed 44 million people, according to the federation of Italian farmers Coldiretti.


Copenhagen’s initiative follows suit France’s choice of fining supermarkets – up to 75,000 euros – which throw away edible food. Italy follows closely behind: many start-ups are being launched to reduce food waste. An example is Last Minute Sotto Casa, Italian app that connects retailers and consumers, allowing the former to sell at lower prices fresh groceries that would be otherwise thrown away.

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