6 natural cough remedies? You can find them in your kitchen

Cough is really bad company! It often prevents you from sleeping and, in any case, at the end of the day, it will leave you exhausted. It is a disorder you should not underestimate: a visit to the doctor never hurts. But when you are looking forward to a visit or if you want to

Cough is really bad company! It often prevents you from sleeping and, in any case, at the end of the day, it will leave you exhausted. It is a disorder you should not underestimate: a visit to the doctor never hurts. But when you are looking forward to a visit or if you want to add some natural remedies to the prescribed medicines, you can just go to the kitchen and prepare the most suitable syrup for you. Use in addition the aerosol: 80 percent of the positive effects are simply due to vapour and water is always at hand!


How to soothe dry cough If you have dry cough, simmer three dry figs in half a litre of water until the water is cooked down and become like a syrup. Take a teaspoonful in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening (it is suitable for little children who should take half of this dose). After two days it is possible to have a worsening of your symptoms because the mucus moves: actually, it is a positive effect preceding the cough soothing; so keep on taking the fig syrup and you will recover soon.




Another remedy consists of mixing carefully two spoonful of honey with two spoonful of lemon juice in order to obtain a cough mixture. Take a teaspoonful of this when you can’t stop coughing.




How to get rid of mucus If you have chesty cough, you can have a glass of carrot juice twice or three times a day. It helps eliminate the phlegm and treat the infection.




The most suitable cough syrup is prepared by mixing the juice of one lemon or half a glassful of cabbage extract with two spoonful of honey, preferably thyme or eucalyptus honey.



As an alternative, you can slice a turnip, alternate in a bowl a layer of sliced turnip with one of sugar and let it macerate overnight. You can use the liquid thus formed as a cough syrup. Take a few spoonful during the day and you will get rid of chesty cough.




Finally, in case of pharyngitis, gargle with half a glassful of lemon mixed with half a glassful of water.




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