Thailand’s solar queen paves the way for photovoltaics in Southeast Asia
The photovoltaic revolution in Thailand was sparked by a woman, named the solar queen. And now the country is the Southeast leader in the field.
The photovoltaic revolution in Thailand was sparked by a woman, named the solar queen. And now the country is the Southeast leader in the field.
Entro quest’anno uno dei maggiori produttori e consumatori di carbone inizierà a chiudere le proprie miniere. Per ripulire l’aria e puntare sulle rinnovabili.
A judge has recognized the right to land of uncontacted indigenous peoples in the Amazon‘s Juruá Valley. The Brazilian government sold off protected areas adjacent to their ancestral territories at an auction, in order for oil and gas companies to conduct resource exploration including for fracking. In December last year a court decided to revoke
Tre esplosioni hanno causato il crollo della miniera russa di Severnaia. L’incidente si aggiunge al vasto elenco di catastrofi minerarie russe, provocate da vecchie strutture e da controlli inadeguati.
Nell’oleodotto della compagnia petrolifera Petroperu si sono aperte due falle e il greggio sta contaminando il fiume Marañon, uno dei principali affluenti del Rio delle Amazzoni.
Due to the lack of soil for the construction of PV plants, the Japanese company Kyocera has thought to build one on a water reservoir. This is the result.
2015 was a record year for wind, which confirmed to be a promising source of power. 12% of Europe’s electricity needs was covered.
King Mohammed VI opens what will become the largest concentrating solar power plant in the world when completed. Three projects that, combined with the photovoltaic phase (Noor IV), will make Noor Ouarzazate, Morocco, world’s largest multi-technology solar production site.
When levels of pollutants cannot be lowered, limits are relaxed. This is what happened at the European Parliament on 3 February. MEPs voted for implementing emission tests on cars’ Real Driving Emissions (RDE) that will lead to the cut down of cars’ maximum emission values. However, it’s all about giving car manufacturers
A thousand kilometres of roads will be paved with solar panels that will produce energy for millions of French people. But costs could be prohibitive.