Denmark is home to the school with the world’s largest solar facade
Dodicimila piastrelle colorate per la facciata solare del Copenhagen International School che producono il 50 per cento dell’energia necessaria
Dodicimila piastrelle colorate per la facciata solare del Copenhagen International School che producono il 50 per cento dell’energia necessaria
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
The Canadian oil company Pacific E&P, who had been granted the right to explore and extract oil in the Peruvian Amazon by the national government, has halted its exploration activities in block 135 of the rainforest (which is divided into “blocks” of oil and gas exploration). The company released a statement saying it “has made the decision to relinquish its exploration
In cinque anni lo stato di New York ha registrato una crescita record per il solare con 1,5 miliardi di dollari di investimenti privati e 8mila posti di lavoro
The Bakken or Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), an underground oil pipeline project in the United States, is owned by a network of oil and pipeline companies, joint ventures and holding companies. After Trump revived it in January without the consent of the Sioux indigenous tribe affected by it and flouting environmental laws, many investors both from the US
A fine febbraio in Danimarca l’eolico è arrivato a coprire tutta la domanda di energia, battendo un nuovo record.
By Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney Yuriko Koike, Governor of Tokyo Patricia de Lille, Mayor of Cape Town The next four years will be crucial in determining if the world can avoid the worst impacts of climate change, keeping the global temperature rise to below 1.5 degrees. As the
Abortion, torture, pipelines, trade agreements, LGBT rights and the US-Mexico border wall. What happened during Trump’s first week leading the United States.
Trump clears the way for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.
People living near major roads and busy traffic are more at risk of developing dementia, according to a report analysing more than 6 million people.