Rhinoceroses’ slaughter in South Africa: new dreadful record set in 2014
Lo scorso anno è stato registrato un incremento di oltre il 20 per cento dei rinoceronti uccisi. La specie è sempre più a rischio.
Lo scorso anno è stato registrato un incremento di oltre il 20 per cento dei rinoceronti uccisi. La specie è sempre più a rischio.
In 2007, Al Gore,Vice President of the United States at the time, organised the Live Earth concert on 7 July. In the same year, Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their efforts in spreading awareness on climate change. On 21 January 2015, at the World Economic Forum in
What the American photographer Stephen Mallon immortalised is not the umpteenth case of marine pollution: the disused coaches of New York’s metropolitan are thrown into the ocean for a good reason. The Big Apple’s metropolitan coaches minus wheels, windows and doors photographed by Mallon in its “Next Stop Atlantic project” while they are
Nei prossimi decenni i cambiamenti climatici potrebbero mutare la composizione delle foreste.
Eating less, but better quality meat. Alongside vegetarianism and veganism, reducetarianism is the new diet for those who are not ready to give up foods of animal origin.
Even Pope Francis thinks that man is mainly responsible for climate change and for this reason he hopes that at the Paris Conference (Cop 21), which will take place from 30th November to 11th December 2015, courageous decisions will be made to protect the environment and climate. The Pope is working on a long-awaited encyclical
Un nuovo studio, che ha preso in esame le maree di tutto il mondo, sostiene che negli ultimi 20 anni il livello delle acque stia crescendo sempre più rapidamente.
Climate change is threatening the whole world population. On one hand, there are vulnerable countries to climate change, on the other, countries ready to face the issues caused by climate extremes and global warming. The ND-Gain matrix, developed in 1995 by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, ranks countries from the most prepared
In force as of July 1, 2015, takeaway foods in the Big Apple will change: they will be better, at least for the environment. The Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, announced the decision of banning food and drinks containers made of expanded polystyrene foam. This ecological decision follows the statement by the
The Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park of Washington released a video featuring a cub of female giant panda named Bao Bao, which was born in the park in August 2013, playing and rolling over in the snow for the first time, after a snowfall hit the US capital over the first days of January. The snowfall led officials to