Flights from Europe to the US will be slowed down by climate change

Flights from Europe to the US will be slowed down by climate change

By 2100, flights from London to New York, as well as any other transatlantic flight from Europe to the United States, will be more expensive, longer and more polluting than today. This is due to climate change. In particular, due to the consequences the rise in global temperatures will cause on the jet stream, according

57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

European bees are poisoned by a cocktail of 57 pesticides, according to a new study. 98% of these substances are regularly approved for use by the EU. And bees are dying off.   European bees are exposed to at least 57 different types of weed killers. This shocking figure was revealed by research conducted in

Glyphosate, Europe defers the decision on whether to license it or not

Glyphosate, Europe defers the decision on whether to license it or not

Any decision on whether to extend the license to use glyphosate in Europe, expected on 8 March, has been put off due to the rising opposition of member states – including France, Sweden, Netherlands and Italy – as well as the pressure of some parliamentary groups including the Socialists and the Democrats. This is what spokesman