Peter Wohlleben, trees are social beings and have social networks, too
Secondo la guardia forestale tedesca Peter Wohlleben gli alberi sono esseri sociali, sono collegati da un grande network naturale e possono perfino essere amici.
Secondo la guardia forestale tedesca Peter Wohlleben gli alberi sono esseri sociali, sono collegati da un grande network naturale e possono perfino essere amici.
In Argentina un piccolo delfino è stato tirato fuori dall’acqua da un gruppo di turisti desideroso di scattarsi una foto con l’animale. Il cetaceo è poi morto per disidratazione.
Fiji is the first country in the world to ratify the historic COP21 climate agreement negotiated in Paris last December. In demonstration of its commitment to tackling climate change, on 12 February Fiji’s parliament voted unanimously in favour of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With this formal agreement the nation seals its leadership role in raising global awareness on the impact
Italian plant neurobiologist Stefano Mancuso has been working tirelessly to teach the world that plants are intelligent creatures that are able to communicate with each other in order to find nutrients, propagate their species and defend themselves against predators. Naturalist Charles Darwin introduced this notion in the late 1800s, although it was not taken seriously
Mettere a confronto foto di ghiacciai oggi con quelle di 60 anni fa, è il modo migliore per dimostrare come il riscaldamento globale stia cambiando la morfologia delle catene montuose più importanti del mondo.
After a journey across Iceland of over a million steps, precisely 1,066,113, he needed to stop to think. Mattia Vettorello, young Italian explorer, created a photo-book, Materia Instabile (Unstable Matter). It’s an attempt to push everyone, beginners included, to challenge themselves and get out of their comfort zone. Life is short, and there are too
San Francisco has banned the sale of plastic bottles in city properties such as City Hall and public buildings. It is also running a campaign to ask its citizens to use clean and inexpensive tap water instead of contributing to the huge and senseless use of plastic bottles. In fact, Americans use 50 billion plastic
L’animale, ripreso in Arizona dopo anni di ricerche, è minacciato dalla costruzione di una miniera di rame che distruggerebbe il suo territorio.
Dopo l’incontro con un raro colibrì, Norbil Becerra ha deciso di dedicare la sua vita alla salvaguardia di questi uccelli e della foresta.
The Supreme Court of the United States voted for halting Obama’s Clean Power Plan, aimed to significantly reduce CO2 emissions from US power plants.