Cacti are more endangered than pandas. 1 species out of 3 is threatened with extinction
Secondo un nuovo studio il commercio illegale e altre attività antropiche stanno provocando il declino di queste piante.
Secondo un nuovo studio il commercio illegale e altre attività antropiche stanno provocando il declino di queste piante.
Is there something worse than a nuclear disaster? Probably not, at least in the collective imagination. We immediately think about the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, two events that allowed to directly assess the long-term effects of a nuclear accident. It’s not breaking news that wildlife started repopulating the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) and the surrounding forest. Ten-year studies carried
Più di 20 miliardi di dollari per il disastro incalcolabile causato dalla Bp nel golfo del Messico. Questa volta la multa per la Deepwater horizon è definitiva.
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha annunciato la creazione di due nuove aree protette, in Maryland e in Wisconsin. Il Cile crea uno dei parchi marini più grandi al mondo intorno all’Isola di Pasqua.
Secondo un nuovo studio le comunità indigene non possono esercitare diritti legali sul 75% della terra da cui dipendono. A rischio l’identità culturale e l’ambiente.
“The vault is probably going to be used sooner rather than later, and it isn’t necessarily because of some global catastrophe,” said Cary Fowler in 2012, former Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, foundation managing the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norwegian subterranean seed bank, created in 2008 in order to safeguard the widest range
Bloomberg reporter Helen Fouquet went back to the Mont Blanc 27 years after her last visit. In 1988, it took only 3 steps to reach the glacier, today it takes 370.
As fires in Indonesia intensify, schools have been closed and flights have been cancelled while a thick smoke haze is blanketing the country, due to burning forests.
Cowspiracy, documentary produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, shows the dramatic impact meat production has on our planet, and how environmental organisations do not address it.
Salty water flows on slopes on Mars’ surface, when temperatures exceed 23°C. A great discovery, waiting for man’s arrival.