In the last decades, visual disturbances have increased considerably, both among digital workers and so-called “digital natives”, those who regularly use tablets and smartphones since they were children. Here’s how homeopathy can treat eye fatigue.
New technologies are fundamental to spread information, but like all innovations they also have negative aspects. Eye fatigue, for example. The prolonged use of computers, smartphones, tablets, e-books, indeed, is one of the major causes of eye strain and burning due to the constant adaptation to read very small characters on a screen at close distance and watch the surrounding environment. Eye fatigue reduces the blinking frequency, i.e. the opening and closing of eyelids that is useful to spread tears over the cornea, causing eye dryness.
The use of computers, smartphones, tablets, e-books is one of the major causes of eye strain
Eye redness
In these cases, homeopathy could be an excellent method to treat visual disturbances. People who suffer from eye redness, dryness, burning and discomfort, or feel a foreign body in it may use Euphralia eye drops, 2 drops up to 6 times a day. These eye drops contain Euphrasia officinalis 3 DH and Chamomilla vulgaris DH 3, two active ingredients traditionally used in homeopathy to treat the most common eye disturbances.
Those who suffer from eye dryness can use the oral drops along with an oral therapy including two homeopatic medicines for mucous membrane dryness in general: Bryonia alba 9 CH and Alumina 9 CH. Bryonia alba is useful when the patient also suffers from mouth dryness and if the eye condition improves after cold applications. Alumina 9 CH is recommended when the patient is prone to drink too little water and suffers from dry throat. The suggested dose is 5 capsules, 3 times a day for at least one month.
Ocular fatigue
It is also important to pay attention to the blue light of the computer screen. It is a light that is emitted in a very high percentage because, being intense, is the only one able to make the screens well-visible. The consequences of the exposure to blue light are not yet confirmed, but it seems that they may be related to early macular degeneration of the retina. The first tip is to avoid prolonged exposure to electronic devices, resting your eyes for a few minutes approximately every two hours. If you feel eye strain, burning and sensitivity to light, it is useful to apply 2 drops of the Euphralia homeopathic eye drops when needed.
The exposure to the blue light of monitors seems to be ralated to the early macular degeneration of the retina.
Finally, in case of visual fatigue from overwork, with worsening in the evening, conjunctival redness, watery or sore eyes, I prescribe Ruta graveolens 5 CH, 5 capsules, 2 times a day for at least 1 month. If the patient feels as if there was sand in the eyes, suffers from blurred vision after using monitors for a long time, and they are hyperemotional, I suggest them to take Kalium Phosphoricum 5 CH, 5 capsules, 2 times a day for at least 1 month.
By Dr. Giorgio De Santi, ophthalmologist, expert in homeopathy and medical director of the hospital of Rho, Milan, Italy
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