Stella McCartney and Parley for the Oceans team up to clean the seas from plastic
Dopo Adidas, anche Stella McCartney annuncia di voler collaborare con Parley for the oceans per ripulire i mari dalla plastica.
Dopo Adidas, anche Stella McCartney annuncia di voler collaborare con Parley for the oceans per ripulire i mari dalla plastica.
The solar plant in Jordan’s Azraq refugee camp has started to produce energy, allowing Syrian refugees in the camp to have electricity in their tents. It’s the world’s first refugee camp to be powered by renewable energy: a 2MW plant managed by the UNHCR and financed thanks to the Brighter Lives for Refugees campaign launched
L’oleodotto voluto da Donald Trump, il Dakota access pipeline, non è ancora entrato in funzione e già sta perdendo petrolio.
Solar farms are architectural and engineering masterpieces that aren’t only functional but can also be beautiful. They can thus become tourist attractions, creating jobs and boosting the clean energy economy, as well as satellite activities. Here are some of the boldest and most beautiful projects that combine the drive towards green energy with respect for the environment. Disney solar farm
AXA Investment Managers, a France-based investment service provider, has pledged to divest 165 million euros (175 million dollars) of its fixed-income portfolios and 12 million euros (13 million euros) of equities portfolios as a result of its new coal policy. It announced that it won’t invest in companies that derive more than 50 per cent of their
Una ricetta velocissima per preparare degli ottimi burger di fagioli neri
The city of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, is home to a bridge for cycling and walking that stretches over roof garden of a Montessori school. This project enhances practicality and will allow families to bring children to school by bike, passing through green areas. Despite their functionality, bridges are often seen as an infrastructure that is
It’s 1993 and Markus Freitag, an art school student in the Swiss city of Zurich, needs a waterproof bag to carry his paper worksheets – this is before the era of laptops. He lives near a freeway and many trucks, covered in robust tarpaulin, drive by. This material becomes the answer to his needs and he and
Spanish architecture study SelgasCano has turned Lisbon’s most ancient food market into a coworking space – Second Home. Here, 1,000 plants tower above tables and improve air quality and the working environment, as designed by architects José Selgas and Lucía Cano. Lisbon’s new beginning, thanks to creativity Portugal, with about 10 million citizens, was significantly affected by
Dodicimila piastrelle colorate per la facciata solare del Copenhagen International School che producono il 50 per cento dell’energia necessaria