
Light art and brilliant minds at the e-Luminate Cambridge Festival 2016

Many extremely talented international artists created artworks for the fourth edition of the e-Luminate Cambridge Festival 2016. Amongst them Ross Ashton, Susie Olczac, Mike Stephenson and Jack Beccegatto. This year’s theme was Connecting Light and the goal was to create connections between various parts of the iconic city of Cambridge. Each installation told a specific

Many extremely talented international artists created artworks for the fourth edition of the e-Luminate Cambridge Festival 2016. Amongst them Ross Ashton, Susie Olczac, Mike Stephenson and Jack Beccegatto. This year’s theme was Connecting Light and the goal was to create connections between various parts of the iconic city of Cambridge. Each installation told a specific story and was connected to another site with hidden clues to be discovered trough the LightQuest game, designed by Arup Lighting designer Francesco Anselmo.

Light becomes art and fun

Cultural events, concerts and hands-on workshops were also organized, aimed at engaging everyone, from adults to children, residents to tourists. With a range of activities such as “Make Your Own Hologram”, “Light Painting” and even a wine tasting exploring how light affects our taste, the activities were organized to raise awareness about light beyond its brightness and common uses.

Light to solve global problems

Participants most interested in the intellectual side of light attended presentations by brilliant researchers. Harnessing Light in Medtech held by Victoria Revell and Richard Kirk explored the implications of light on human behavior and mood, including using light therapy to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder and how to realign our circadian clocks to sleep and wake better.


Researchers and artists were invited to explore Luminous Solutions for Global Inequalities: the role light-based technologies play in addressing inequities. Issues were explored such as the future ecology of the city, sustainable development and the right to light, as well as energy usage and regeneration.

Running from February 12th to 17th, the e-Luminate Cambridge Festival offered invaluable insights into exploring light in all its forms. Though the festival has come to an end, curiosity sparkles to discover what new light connections and innovations the 2017 edition will offer.

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