How global warming will change forests
Nei prossimi decenni i cambiamenti climatici potrebbero mutare la composizione delle foreste.
Nei prossimi decenni i cambiamenti climatici potrebbero mutare la composizione delle foreste.
Even Pope Francis thinks that man is mainly responsible for climate change and for this reason he hopes that at the Paris Conference (Cop 21), which will take place from 30th November to 11th December 2015, courageous decisions will be made to protect the environment and climate. The Pope is working on a long-awaited encyclical
Climate change is threatening the whole world population. On one hand, there are vulnerable countries to climate change, on the other, countries ready to face the issues caused by climate extremes and global warming. The ND-Gain matrix, developed in 1995 by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, ranks countries from the most prepared
L’animale, protetto da una legge federale, è stato abbattuto nello Utah da un cacciatore che sostiene di averlo scambiato per un coyote.
Un nuovo studio mostra un collegamento tra i tratti della personalità degli abitanti di una nazione e le buone pratiche ambientali.
The number of migrants who tried to abandon their birthplace by boat in 2014 was the highest ever. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), since January, 348 thousand people have tried to undertake sea routes worldwide. Europe. It has seen the largest number of sea arrivals,
On 3-4 December 2014 at the Bocconi University of Milan was held the sixth edition of the International Forum on Food and Nutrition of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, where has been presented the Milan Protocol, an international agreement aimed to face the problem of the sustainability of food system. Part of
Chatham House’s new report confirms the significant environmental impact of the livestock industry. Yet governments are doing nothing.
The first woman in 60 years and the third Italian after Carlo Rubbia and Luciano Maiani. Fabiola Gianotti, born in Rome in 1962, was declared Director-General of CERN, Geneva, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research established in 1954. After a year of partnering with the incumbent German director general Rolf Heuer, her mandate will begin on
The most popular moments and sounds from space are available on NASA’s SoundCloud page. Let’s explore parallel universes!